+44 (0)773 661 7368
Your heating system may be functioning but is it optimised? Optimisation will reduce your bills by 15% - Guaranteed!


Building energy

Buildings account for almost half of the energy consumption and carbon emissions in the UK


Heating & hot water

The heating and hot water used in your building can amount to half of all your energy



The average heated UK building gives up 75% of boiler energy to the ouside air

Welcome To Fuelstretcher

Since 2001, Fuelstretcher Ltd has been supplying its hi-tech Optimisation Controls, for retrofit, to the central heating systems of over 500 commercial and industrial buildings in the UK and Germany. Many of the properties were and still are, “flagship” buildings, equipped with modern heating plant and Building Management Systems (BMS). However, our technology has achieved significant energy efficiency improvements in all of them.

Nevertheless, our clients want more. Many require for their entire building asset to be optimised. However all of them see the benefits of continuous heating system optimisation as a quantifiable priority. They also expect its cost to be more than matched by cash inflows from lower heating bills. This is not only guaranteed by our Smart Heating Optimisation techniques but we also transform the way in which effective heating plant and controls maintenance is managed.

Underpinned by our proven energy efficiency algorithms and with advances in ICT and the “internet of things” we integrate with the installed BMS. The outcome, for our clients, is an unbeatable Smart Heating Optimisation service to guarantee a 15% reduction in heating costs.

The factors, preventing optimal heating efficiency and comfort of medium to large buildings are:-

  • Few BMS strategies optimise boiler duty. This in itself will save 15% in heating energy
  • Building dynamics & occupancy patterns change. Critical controls need continuous review.
  • Few heating services support remote access to continuous system performance data.
  • Building Managers are given little visibility of whether, or not, their heating is optimised.
  • Maintenance is often driven by costly “boots on the ground” rather than technology.

In response our Smart Heating Optimisation offers our clients the following;-

  • 17 years of consultative support committed to European building heating efficiency
  • Installation of our recently developed FS HUB – our versatile hardware platform for:
    • Integration of our boiler optimisation algorithms with BMS network protocols.
    • Acquiring system data from the BMS network for informed client dissemination.
    • Remotely monitoring key BMS & plant performance with alerts for non-compliance
    • Web link to Fuelstretcher remote bureau to analyse, identify and report system issues
  • Identification of longer term plant performance threats for maintenance /asset planning
  • Web-based Dashboard for building manager’s instant Heating Optimisation Overview.
  • Informed alerts for contractors, approved by clients, for more effective maintenance visits
  • Estimates of total savings of 20-25% in heating energy but with 15% guaranteed.
  • Various procurement payment options for the Service- All absorbed by savings generated i.e.
    • Free installation & equipment plus shared savings
    • Guaranteed paybacks on Capex

Why Fuelstretcher


The Fuelstretcher technology was developed by a European Consortium of building scientists led by the Building Research Establishment (BRE) www.bre.co.uk in 2001 through a dedicated and successful €1m EU funded R&D project. BRE is arguably Europe’s leading building research centre universally recognised for its commitment to the “Built Environment”


We have 17 years of experience in saving 15% of gas for heating of a wide range of UK buildings through retrofit. Most installations have been purchased as the result of successful trials Robust case studies exist for our key sectors in the UK commercial building market. Installations have been retrofitted to buildings owned by Google, British Land, BASF, BT and many Public Sector clients.


Fuelstretcher’s Smart Heating Optimisation techniques are underpinned by our proprietary boiler optimisation technology. It develops a daily thermodynamic profile of individual buildings to predict the Optimal Water Temperature (OWT) at which boilers supply primary heat to efficiently meet BMS defined comfort demand for the rest of the day. Also by integration with and data acquisition from, the existing heating controls (BMS) network, we can remotely diagnose overall heating system performance. This gives us a platform from which we can make informed recommendations, for re-commissioning of heating controls (BMS) or mechanical heating plant, to incumbent site specialists. We combine boiler optimisation with heating system data acquisition in our single FS HUB device. Its key functions are to
  • Network with other system heating & comfort controls & sensors to acquire performance data.
  • Integrate our thoroughly researched and time-proven OWT boiler optimisation algorithms
  • Serve our bureau with real-time system data to compare with optimal comfort & efficiency
  • Provide secure internet communications for remote access to key heating system data.
  • Issue alerts to enable potential threats to occupant comfort to be predicted and addressed.
  • Provide a web–based “Optimisation Overview Dashboard” for Facilities & Building Managers


Following installation of the FS HUB (with its immediate savings) a continuous Heating Optimisation service is offered. Our web-based dashboard is easy to access by authorised personnel to provide a Building Heating Optimisation Overview. In particular this gives the building manager instant assurance that his building is being efficiently and sustainably heated for the comfort of its occupants and the profitability of the core business. Over 17 years we have built up a reputation for local support for both client and his contractors. We intend to continue with this principle. The dashboard system is also expandable to give a corporate overview of entire portfolios of buildings. We offer free development of additional bespoke information packages of value to Corporate/FM real-time heating plant room asset and maintenance management.


Please talk to us about options for procuring our Service and technologies in a way that suits your Finance Director. All options benefit from the immediate savings that our technology and Service achieves and we guarantee to provide you with long term sustainable profit improvements for your core business.

Satisfied Clients

Public Sector – Swansea Council Hall (21% heating energy reduction)

Commercial Offices - British Land – Regents Place London (15% heating energy reduction)

Leisure Centres - Cornwall County Council - Dragon Leisure Centre Bodmin (18% savings)